
Olle Lindholm


Published over 2 years ago • 1 min read

Welcome to “set nice crisp boundaries month”.

Here’s a phrase you can use: “I wish I could, but my schedule is completely booked. Let’s make some time when I have more availability.”

If you’re struggling to say “no” then predefined phrases like the above one is useful.

People are busy, but they're also on different schedules. Have you ever felt out of synch with your co-workers? Paul Graham talks about the maker’s versus the manager’s schedule. Maybe this situation sounds familiar.

A manager has her day split into one-hour slots. Getting in on a meeting is a matter of finding an empty slot. A maker runs on a different schedule.

If you’ve ever done any kind of creative work, you know what that means. Programming or writing requires half days or even full days. Having a meeting ruins most of your day since it takes away your ability for deep work.

To fit in “a bit of writing" into your schedule is far from ideal. It takes more time than that for you to get warmed up. Seasoned managers know and respect this, and will give you the room you need to do your best work.

Key takeaways

Set boundaries for yourself. Use standard phrases to help you say "no" to commitments. Explain the cost of interruptions on your overall productivity and well-being.

Respect people's schedules (especially when booking meetings). Does everyone truly have to be in the meeting? The cost of meetings is high. Make sure you respect others' timelines and obligations.

Over to you

How are you setting boundaries for yourself? Do you use any smart tricks to protect your sanity during stressful times? Let me know.

More on this topic:

Have a great week!


Olle Lindholm

A Sweden-based author and coach.

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